Friday 14 December 2012

Justin Bieber murder plot foiled

Two men from Albuquerque, New Mexico (Mark Staake, 41 and his Nephew Tanner Ruane, 23) are suspected to have taken part in the plot to murder Canadian superstar Justin Bieber, along with his bodyguard. They were arrested in late November, with the suspicions that they were plotting to commit a murder.

Dana Martin, the 'leader' of the whole plan admitted to have hiring two hit men to assist him in this plot while doing his time in prison, Martin planned to strangle and kill Bieber, along with his bodyguard and two other unrelated victims with a paisley tie, which is strongly similar to the way Martin killed his previous victims before being sent to prison. Along with killing them, Martin planned to castrate each victim, selling their 'private parts' for $2,500 each.

Their plan was to drive to Justin Bieber's concert in New York city, where they would proceed with the plan to kill all four targeted people, Including Justin, but unfortunately for the hit men, they ended up taking a wrong turn whilst on route to New York, driving instead straight to Vermont, Canada, where they were then caught by Vermont police and arrested. Martin confessed to having a gruesome obsession with Bieber, having a tattoo of him on his leg and wanting him dead due to his extreme "measure of fame".

The full story:

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